- vi/vim cheat sheet
- MSDN 我告诉你
- 一个故事告诉你比特币的原理及运作机制
- 深度调查 | 为什么我们不能访问谷歌?
- Dism++
- Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
- ShadowsocksR一键安装脚本
- Wallpaper Abyss - 高清壁纸, 桌面背景
- DuckDuckGo
- Windows 下如何配置 Aria 2
- 那些大荒中逐渐远去的大神
- 小游戏
- crontab.guru - The quick and simple editor for cron schedule expressions
- Chrome & Firefox now force .dev domains to HTTPS via preloaded HSTS
- Mac 使用 tar 压缩生成 “._“ 文件的解决办法
- How to deal with unzip error on a large file in OSX?
- How to use CKEditor in a Bootstrap Modal? - Stack Overflow
- Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way
- sudo echo “something” >> /etc/privilegedFile doesn’t work… is there an alternative? - Stack Overflow
- iOS
- The 12 Steps of Bluetooth (Swift)
- Draw smooth curves through a set of points in iOS
- SceneKit - Draw 3D Parabola - Stack Overflow
- SceneKit - From Zero to Hero
- Making a glow node in SceneKit - Stack Overflow
- Get the up vector of the camera in ARKit - Stack Overflow
- Center align Labels and images inside UIView programatically with Swift - Stack Overflow
- Best way to dismiss Keyboard in a View Controller iOS (Swift)
- Swift Draw text on image programmatically and use it as Google Maps Marker
- OpenCV with Swift - step by step
- Android
- Python
- 三维空间
- 面、点 法向量 的计算
- 四元数与欧拉角(RPY角)的相互转换
- 三维空间中的旋转:旋转矩阵、欧拉角
- 平面等距变换、三维空间的旋转和四元数
- 计算空间点到平面的投影点坐标
- Area of Triangles and Polygons
- Fitting a plane to many points in 3D